Participation in ESA New Capabilities and Countries in European Space Conference. Intelligent e-Infrastructure for Sustainable Management and Exploitation of Rivers and Dams based on Earth Observation and AI. New Capabilities and Countries in European Space Conference, ESTEC-ESA, Nordwijk, The Netherlands, May 2023.
Participation in EGU2023 Conference.
Forecasting Discharge and Water Levels of Rivers and Dams using Earth Observation and AI. EGU General Assembly Conference, Vienna, Austria, April 2023.
Early Warning Embedded in Intelligent Web-based Workflow for River Monitoring through Earth Observation and AI. EGU General Assembly Conference, Vienna, Austria, April 2023.
Participation in COP4BG. Intelligent Information Infrastructure for monitoring and exploitation of water resources. 4th Cope4BG Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria, December 2022.
Participation in the 25th International River Symposium. Intelligent Web-based Workflow for River Monitoring through Earth Observation and AI for Sustainable Development. 25th International River Symposium 2022 (IRS 2022), Vienna, Austria, November 2022, video presentation.
Participation in 1st UN Space4Water Stakeholder meeting. Information Systems for Water Resource Management. 1St UN Space for Water Stakeholder Meeting, Vienna, Austria, October 2022.
Participation in the 25th TELEMAC User Conference. River Dynamics Forecasting using Telemac, Earth Observation and AI. In Proceedings of Telemac User Conference 2022 (TUC 2022), Paris-Saclay, France, October 2022, pp. 281-289.
Participation in the 5th International conferece on the Use of Space Technology for Water Resources Management. ISME-HYDRO – an e-Infrastructure for Monitoring Groundwater Resources Based on Earth Observation and AI. Lightning Talk. 5th Invernational Conference on the Use of Space Technology for Water Resources Management, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), Accra, Ghana, May 2022. Link to the presentation
Participation in Water Resources Conference for Arid Regions. ISME-HYDRO – an Integrated System for Monitoring of Water Resources for Sustainable Exploitation of Dams and Rivers. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Water Resources Management and Sustainability: Solutions for Arid Regions, EXPO2020, Dubai, March 2022, pp.98-102.
Participation in Phi-Week 2021. Fairway Modification Mapping based on AI Models for Sediment Deposition and River Runoff Forecast. In: Proceedings of The ESA Earth Observation Φ-week The New Space Economy, Virtual event, October 2021. link to the presentation
Participation in Big Data From Space 2021 (BiDS’2021) Linked Data Meet Deep Learning to Empower Water Resources Monitoring of Dams. Oral presentation. Virtual Event, Originally planned to be hosted by University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (UPB), May 2021.
Participation in ISDE’11 2019, 24-27 September, Palazzo dei Congressi, Florence, Italy – oral presentation and publication of extended abstract in the conference proceedings
Participation in Copernicus 4 Bulgaria 2018, 22-23 November 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria. Presentation: Information System for Monitoring of Dams in Bulgaria (in Bulgarian)